Guide of Peach(Fishing) - Kaky Pêche | FRANCIS CHAUVET, moniteur-guide de pêche. Possède un brevet d'état : Le Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport, spécialité: Pêche de Loisirs, ainsi que la carte professionnelle d'Éducateur Sportif. Le Brevet de Moniteur de Pêche Sportive Mouche et Lancer. Le spécifique coup-carnassier et le spécifique mouche et lancer obtenu au Centre National de Formation aux Métiers de la Pêche à Ahun. |
| | My History(Story), I remember well, it is my maternal grandfather who gave me the virus of the peach(fishing), I was hardly 5 years old, when he took me to fish for the trout in the toc. I had this enormous luck(chance), that many children not one not, a grandfather who makes you discover true values of the life, and who gives you the taste of the simple things. The discovery of the peach(fishing), was for me an education, not only on techniques, but also on all which composed the environment of the aquatic environment(middle). Notably the respect for the river, the banks. I intend him(it) to say myself again " as soon as you open a fence(close), you there close, because the farmer friendly allows to pass us in sound meadows ". Thanks to him, I learnt(taught) has to read the water, namely to recognize the posts(post offices) by trout, but also, how to go(take) up a simple fishhook to palette, to make a bottom(stocking) of line, to discover the insects which compose slim of these beautiful speckled, which I like loosening today, so much which calls back to(reminds) me these good moments etc. …
Thank you very much Grandpa!
Kaky. |
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